Adoption Fundraiser

Please visit my etsy shop (lower right side of your screen) if you are interested in my adoption fundraiser.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I'm not sure if this sewing thing is good or bad. I start out with beautiful, inspiring material and a great idea. Halfway through Im ready to dump the heap in the trash. I get so frustrated because my stitches aren't perfect. I know practice makes perfect. But I'm not patient. About the time things get hard, I bail. I don't want to spend time practicing, I just want it to be right the first time. But I'll give up and put the machine away for a few months, or years. Then the bug comes back. I don't know where it comes from, but I pull my machine out try again. This time, I want to stick with it. I keep the machine on the kitchen table to remind me to get to work. Try again. Keep practicing.
And I will. I want to create and sell. I want to bring in something for my family. The Proverbs 31 woman did the same thing.
I know all of this can be applied to my Spiritual walk with the Lord. I need to think on this, I think.
Does anyone else have this problem? Any words of encouragement?

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