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Monday, January 18, 2010

Memorial Box Monday

Ok, I just had to check and make sure it was actually Monday. When you don't work I think you lose all sense of time!! (Work...I know, keeping a house and a husband happy. Homeschooling in the midst of it. Yes, fun stuff, but work nonetheless!)

My first Memorial Box Monday post. Linn, over at A place Called Simplicity started this. You tell about what cool thing God has done for you. Or about His incredible faithfulness. You find something that represents this story and display it in your house. Ideally you would use a memorial box, but I don't have one yet.

Today's post has a lot to do with sponsoring Mu. I wonder if I made myself clear when I talked about how cool it was that we are doing this. I don't want to say that my husband is a scrooge. He has a big heart. But it is his tendency to save. He is 41 and isn't even really "settled" yet. We are working on this in building our house. But he just wants to get this done. Money is to be saved.

So in doing this, I believe it is an act of obedience. And since Friday night I have had more peace than I have had in a long time. I believe it comes from being obedient. I also have had an excitement about what God is going to do from here. I don't have a clue what His plans are. And He reminded me last night that His ways are not my ways, not are my thoughts His thoughts. But I do know that He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widows. And if we are willing to be used, then He will use us.

This isn't a traditional Memorial Box Monday post from what I've seen. But this story tells of God's faithfulness in our lives. This is the start of something beautiful.
My husband would probably think I was nuts for going on and on about this. I just don't think he knows the magnitude of this in our lives yet. Because our God is big. And His plans are big. And we get to be included in them. And that is exciting.

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